Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Home Stretch

I'm in Kharkov today and we're running around doing all of the paperwork so we can come home. Edward arrived at the camp yesterday - much to my surprise. I was not expecting him until today. So I packed as quickly as I could and we have moved into a hotel here for the next few days. We went to the court first thing this morning to get the final paperwork, and the judge said it won't be ready until noon. Have I mentioned how much I dislike this judge?? So we came back into Kharkov to try to do some other things until the papers are ready.

Edward will go to Russia tonight to try to get Irra's birth certificate, and I will stay at the hotel alone. Not really thrilled about that plan, as there is not much in the way of stores or restaurants within walking distance of the hotel, and I'm not about to try the bus alone. I think we will go to the market tonight and pick up a few things and I'll just stay in the room and read. With luck he will be back tomorrow night, but if not, then Thursday night. Then we will finish the paperwork on Thursday or Friday, and hopefully, hopefully, we will travel to Kiev this weekend.

I had a great time at the camp and I was a little upset that I didn't get to say good bye to any of the other children I have met there. Vika and Irra are still at camp, too, but they will be fine for a few more days. It's the other kids that are tearing me up at this point. I seriously doubt that we will ever do this again, and of course, even if we did, we can't take them all. There are some really good kids there and I'm going to miss them.

I got some bad news yesterday. My dad had cancer a few years ago, and things have been fine ever since his treatment, but evidently the cancer is trying to comeback. He is going in later this week for more testing, but the doctor is not optimistic. I would appreciate your prayers for him and our family.

I think Edward is about finished with his work here to I will say good bye for now. I have been keeping a more detailed log of the camp and I'll try to send it later. Hopefully I will have internet access later this week....

Can't wait to get home!


  1. Sheri,
    Thanks so much for your update. (I realize you have no idea who I am... We are not stalkers, but friends of the Copelands... just starting the process to adopt from Ukraine.) I have been praying for your entire family and will add your Dad! Many blessings!

  2. Greg and Sheri, Godspeed to both of you and I pray everything goes smoothly for you. I am very sorry to hear about your dad and he will be in my prayers. Scott
